Musical Theatre Classes

Many of our students love to perform live on stage. For them we have an extra class which features Acting, Singing, and Dancing from the musicals culminating in a performance. A high level of commitment and enthusiasm is required for this class as we work to bring them to performance level. Students audition for leading roles and chorus parts in our chosen musical and then work each week rehearsing every element of the show; acting, singing and choreography.

Nearer to show day we design and paint our scenery and organize costumes and props. Our productions range from in-house performances for friends and family to full-scale productions in a professional theatre. Many of our musical theatre students have performed professionally and they have also recorded their own Musical CD.

Recent Musical Theatre productions include:

  • 'You Can't Stop the Beat'

  • 'Fiddler on the Roof'

  • 'We Will Rock You'

  • 'Alice in Wonderland'

  • and our own musical revues